Let's see, I'm still an Examiner, am repeatedly sending in I-9's to my new employer, giving hubby the stink eye paored with a congratulatory one due to his weight loss success, and am down another pound.
Yes, just one more. I'm walking, but not getting enough sweat time in. I know I need to, but the fear of hurting myself seems to be taking control of my body. I love how it feels during and after a good workout, but my knee aches so much lately.
Yes, I know. I'm using it an as excuse to slack off. I can always concentrate on strengthening my upper body on the more painful days, but what I know and what I can force myself to do are something different. It's in my body, yes, but more in my mind. As I've shared before, I tend to go all out and am shocked and depressed when I re-injure myself. It's a pattern that I'm sick of repeating.
Wish me luck. I am going to put in a minimum of 10 minutes a day into sweat-inducing work. Be it kickboxing on Spark People, 10 Minute Trainer, or some variation of workouts that I've memorized. If I don't move more, I will not lose more. And it won't matter how much stronger I become if I have these layers of fat covering the muscle.
In the kitchen, I'll be playing with recipes from several books and websites, including Eat to Live, Weight Watchers, Radiant Health, Inner Wealth, Happy Herbivore, and my fav vegetarian low carb book. .
Speaking of low carb, have you heard of the vegan version of Atkins? Scary, isn't it? But it may not be necessarily a bad thing. Back in my omni days, I followed Atkins and George Stella's low carb recipes and got down to 203. I also had a lower amount of energy than I have some days now and my skin looked off. I'm not saying that low carb is a bad thing, but balance was not my strong suit. And I didn't want to cook for myself when I could just grab a shake or bar. I loved the loss, but don't want to go back to that.
Balance and sweat.
Until next time, peace.