Friday, May 4, 2012

Killer 2012 Halloween Costume? Check!

It's never too early to plan for Halloween. 

I love Halloween.
Me & hubs a few years back.
Schoolgirl and her Bad Boy.

What does this have to do with getting healthier?  Halloween makes me happy, and happiness is good for my health.  And besides, Halloween is FUN!  The costumes, the history, the magic of it; I love it all.  While my kids have “outgrown” the holiday, one is still interested in costumes, but only as cosplay and not a one night (or weekend) thing.  Me, I love the idea of celebrating that escape from reality by taking the role of a beloved character.

I usually shop for costume components from the usual department stores and pick up accessories from costume shops.  This time I found what I wanted online at  I was offered the opportunity to review the store and received the costume of my choice.  This had no impact on my opinion of the costume or my shopping experience.

After browsing the catalog with certain themes in mind, I found exactly what I wanted.  I found more than one option actually, and had to narrow it down.  I asked the hubby what he liked, but he was as undecided as I was.  Men I tell ya.  This year I decided to go with something reminiscent of Once Upon a Time.  I love that show.  What do you mean you haven’t seen it?  Get thee to Hulu or now and watch.  I love Regina.  She is confident, regal, smart, and dark.  She may not be the fan favorite, but it’s not always about popularity for me.

I searched through all of the fairy tale-themed costumes, and final decided on Sultry Sorceress.   I knew I could work it the way I wanted and love that it would show a little leg.  Well, a lot of leg.  Hubby loved the sultry part, as expected.   I placed the order and waited.

Don't you love it?
Shipping was quicker than expected and I love the costume!  It fits perfectly, and that was something I had concerns about since I’ve had difficulty purchasing plus sizes online in the past.  Hubs grinned when he saw me in it, so that made it even better.  All I have to do now is choose the accessories.  I have a killer pair of boots I’ll wear with it, so all I have to do is select jewelry and make the hair and makeup decisions.   Should I work my hair or go with a wig?  How exactly will I do my eyes?    Now that I have the costume, I have plenty of time to decide.  I think the Coffin Clutch Handbag just might work, too.  If not with my costume, just in general.  Love it!  

Love these sleeves!
Thank you,

Take a look at their inventory today.  They have costumes for all sizes and ages, and the prices are awesome!  

Guess what? is sponsoring a giveaway!  A $25 coupon will go to the person who shares this post the most.  Get to promoting for your shot at the prize!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


Elena said...

Love the sleeves! Great post, I always love to read and dream at Halloween, my favorite time of the year.

Frances said...

I just love the first picture wherein you showed up with your husband in Halloween costumes as the Bad Boy and the School Girl. Looking forward for more couple costumes!