I'll hit the big 44 on March 30 and am celebrating the milestone by kicking up the wellness a notch. Care to join me?
You don't have to buy anything. You just have to commit to 30 days of something better for you health. Cleaner eating, regular exercise, mediation, less coffee - you decide. Me, I'll be eating cleaner (vegetarian, good fats, lots of produce and good protein) and starting Chalean Extreme (strength training for increased strength and fat burning). These are my goals, my plan for the month (and beyond). What are yours?
The goal is to push beyond where I am now. I am my own competition. Well, and hubby in a way. We challenge each other to move toward our goals and sort of compete to see if my home workouts or his gym workouts are better. I know home workouts are better for me, period. The hermit in me would rather get my sweat on without the potential audience. The dogs watch, but they get bored and move on. I'm sure people are focused on their own workouts at the gym, but in my mind, they're peeking over at the limping big girl, wondering why she's bothering.
I know. It's my messed up way of thinking. I'm working on it.
But for March, it'll be a better focus on better eating, lifting heavy four days a week, and at least one cardio workout on a fifth. For cardio, I'll mix it it between my favs. Why Chalean Extreme? Shorter workouts (which my aching back will appreciate), lots of lifting (which I love), and less cardio (not my favorite thing). I lift now, but I don't think I'm lifting enough or following the most effective routine. So I'm turning to an expert.
So, what do you say - wanna kick it up with me in March? Join me here, G+, or on Facebook. How will you challenge yourself?
Until next time, peace!
Hi there. I'm checking out your blog in response to your application to The Vegetarian Health Institute. We may be interested in having you blog for us on occasion. Please send us an e-mail at healthsecrets at veghealth dot com with your e-mail so that we can add that information to your application. Thanks.
Thanks, Raederle. Email is headed your way.
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